Maximizing Natural Test + GH Production – Stack


New member
First post. Be nice.
Relevant Goals: Get stronger, maintain/add some size, sleep well, feel energized/alpha-male-esk, improved mood, play “hide the german sausage” with Olivia Munn

Sleep: (Aim for 8-9 hours)
Sleep Hygiene: Go to bed and wake up at similar time, darken bedroom, remove electronics
Training: 4-5 days a week, 5/3/1 plus HIIT
Diet: ~3,000 cals, Decently Clean, Raw Milk ALL DAY
Supplementation for Hormone Optimization:
• Magnesium 300mg @ Bedtime (plus 25mg from Multi)
• Growth Factor XT @ Bedtime
• Vitamin D-3: 800iu-2,000iu (800 from Multi)
• Zinc Citrate 20mg (from Multi)
• Anabeta Elite (8 week cycle)
• SNS DAA Caps? (8 week cycle)

Other supps I am taking:
• Fish Oil
• Joint Support
• Rainbow Light Men’s Multi
• EFX Kre-Alkalyn

Note: I would like to keep this stack on the simple and cost effective side.

My Questions:
• How is my dosing? Specifically for the Zinc and Magnesium.
• I have never taken GFXT. I am also worried about doubling up on B-6 with both GFXT and my Multi. Do any of you have a better recommendation for a sleep aid?
• I have taken AnaBeta OG before and liked it. Kind thought I would give AB Elite a try. Have people found it to be worth the extra cost?
• On the fence about including DAA. I've never ran it solo (stupid I know) so I have a pretty poor sense of how effective it is for me and if it is worth the additional cost. Thoughts?

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