How steroids have impacted your life


First off I must say I don’t have a problem with steroid use, in that I believe it can be done safely by responsible adults. I first used designer steroids this past year, and ever since it has brought up several questions. I have enough “legal steroids” to last me another 5 cycles or so, but I have been strongly considering getting rid of them for a few reasons.
1)Even with responsible use, there is always health risks involved
2)Will I become mentally and emotionally “addicted” to steroids
3)How will steroid use effect the people close to me

I see myself lifting and living a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my days, but I never intend to compete. I guess my main concern is hurting people close to me by always having this secret in my life that I’m always covering up. I don’t have anger or uncontrollable violence problems so that isn’t an issue, but more of the fact that I wouldn’t be open with the people I care about. I am 23 years old and I can make my own decisions…however I know my parents for example would be greatly concerned if they knew I was using gear, and I greatly respect my parents for all they have done for me so I would feel guilty continuing this life style. I want to at least run a cycle of SD and another of PP this year, but would I be able to stop after that point if I wanted to? Do I care too much about what my parents think?

Anyways the reason I write this is to ask for some of your opinions on how juice has impacted your life and the people around you, and to be honest with a possible metal “addiction” you may have with steroids. This only concerns adults with responsible use (consistent blood work etc.), as we all know irresponsible use is very dangerous.


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no impact, just some extra strength & bulk-no emotional issues, the people around me could care less..


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I recommend you don't use them unless you feel that you are doing the right thing.

I like using juice. I'm not worried about what my parents, friends, next door neighbors, or Senator McCain thinks about them. I'm doing whats right for me to meet my own personal goals.

As for addiction, I can see maybe frustration setting in when you start training naturally again and have trouble gaining at the speed you were growing on juice, but a steroid addict? Not likely.


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i dont hide my drug use from almost anyone... but secrets arnt so bad either... maybe too much estrogen in your system... these drugs have made it easier to live my life and get by... if it wasnt for steriods i think i might be in a gutter sumwhere, they saved me... i was gioing know where in my life and it was spinning down... the juice kept me from cracking into peices


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i dont hide my drug use from almost anyone... but secrets arnt so bad either... maybe too much estrogen in your system... these drugs have made it easier to live my life and get by... if it wasnt for steriods i think i might be in a gutter sumwhere, they saved me... i was gioing know where in my life and it was spinning down... the juice kept me from cracking into peices
interesting post... glad things are on an upswing.


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Most people can attain what they are really looking for without AS (MOST people that are considering using have terrible diets and don't know the first thing about nutrition even though they're ready and willing to learn about AS).

The only time that I think you should really use AS is if you plan on competing...


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Most people can attain what they are really looking for without AS (MOST people that are considering using have terrible diets and don't know the first thing about nutrition even though they're ready and willing to learn about AS).

The only time that I think you should really use AS is if you plan on competing...
I disagree. Most people that sucessfully use steroids have great diet & training routines. Steroids alone, without proper nutrion & exercise, won't do squat for you. There are always people like the idiot gay guy on MTV that uses & doesn't use properly or responsibly, but IMO he does not comprise the majority of users.

As far as how steroids have impacted my life? Well, I have become more responsible, a better time manager, & a overall a better person. Could this be cause of the steroids? Maybe.

Pretty much I gave up drinking (I live in a college town where beer is more common than water). Giving up drinking has left me more clear-headed. Being more clear-headed allows me to go to class since I wasn't out late partying & getting drunk the night before. I have more time available to me so I study more for my classes. I now have goals in & out of the gym & strive to reach them. My overall health is much better now than before seeing as I am more aware of my own health where before I could care less. I'm living a healthier & better lifestyle overall & I'm happier. Also, the comments I get from friends & family really help.

As far as does anyone know? Maybe my closest friends who have considered using & used me as a guinea (sp?) pig. I wouldn't tell my parents because I wouldn't want them worrying as they are uneducated in the matter. Secrets aren't a bad thing. I mean there are plenty of things my parents don't know about me such as things my girlfriend & me do, etc. As long as you're not hurting anyone I think you're fine.

Oh yea, & the frustration deal about when you train naturally again, sure it's there. But I'm not addicted. You just have to re-adjust to not being able to throw on weight like cables are going out of style. Dissapointing at first but no biggie.


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I never cared. I love my parents, but to be honest once they were done raising me I stopped listening, or more to the point obeying. I do what I want. As far as my friends are concerned they know I used and I've made i clear I might again if it's in line with goals. When any of them hand out the usual lines about AAS I basically tell them they're wrong and I don't care. Since most of them are basing their opinion on what they learned in high school health class and on the news, it isn't too hard to give them a hint that they might not know everything on the subject.


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I am addicted. Anyone ever snort base powders? Killer rush.


This is an interesting question and something that has concerned me also. I am planning on doing a PP/SD cycle in a week - first cycle. I've been lifting on and off for about nine years - for atheletic purposes. The fact that this stuff is legal and sold as a supplement got me interested. It wasn't until I did some research on SD that I saw it is actually a steriod - the real deal. And after this research I feel that I'm well informed enough to do a cycle safely. But if this wasn't legal and marketed as a supp then I would never have gotten into this shite. Now I find myself looking to get me some Nolva - which is borderline legal - but the best PCT choice. I'm also keeping the details of these "vitamins" from my family. That is bad. I guess I'm mostly curious as to what it will do for me in terms of strenght and size. I plan on doing two cycles and stopping for life. I don't intend for this to be a way of life for me. But I see that it can become that. Hence the "addiction".

I guess I'm just rambling......

Matthew D

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The whole problem I have IS why do we have to hide what we are doing.. does that make any sense to anyone? All of this started because of some ass in Washington got a bug up his ass that he was going to be the savior of sports by making it illegal for anyone to use them. It has never been that AAS users were out killing, raping, and robbing everyone in sight to get the next cycle but you hear everyone preaching that gear is one stick of pin from you becoming the Anitchrist... yes there are down sides to using many of which are MAJORLY over blown by the mainstream media and even some of the people on here but I do know there are more sides from of the prescription drugs that some of us take every damn day and not to mention the OTC drugs like tyenol...
Burner, not to be a dick but I really don't think you were ever ready for gear if you were just now thinking about all of these thing but I do call in to question the "addiction" though that you are pondering.. the only way that you could get addicted would be if you are NOT strong enough mentally to handle them. I am really not trying to be harsh but this is something I have been thinking about every time that this thread has popped up..


Matthew D, you're not being harsh. I counted the cost before I ran my first cycle, it’s just that circumstances change with time, do they not? I know I’m the one that’s going to make the decision as for what’s best for me…but I value the advice of people with more experience and wisdom than myself. I think this is a healthy discussion regardless of your experience with AAS, if people disagree then say so…I’m honestly not trying to take away anyone’s fun, just asking for peoples experiences, that’s all.

Matthew D

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things always change with time.. the fun of being a human is that things will always change... I don't disagree so much with what you are saying I just think that some of your thinking may have become clouded due the mainstream media uninformed views on AAS


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2¢ from a non- (or not-yet-) juicer:

there's a big difference between "keeping secrets" (hiding things from others) & respecting your own privacy (ie, not telling the world every minute detail).

I mean, it's not dishonest to wear clothes, is it? Even though clothes hide your body.

the key is to keep a sense of balance & perspective - doesn't matter WHAT you're doing (...unless, of course, you're raping, murdering, extorting, torturing prisoners, plotting the overthrow of a free & peaceful nation, contriving crises/shortages to jack up profits, mugging old people, oppressing the innocent & stuff like that - some things just aren't okay...'kay? :nono: ).

Matthew D

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True BW, but who decides what is okay and what is not? all of the things you said are things that are NOT okay in most sane people's book of virtues but where does using AAS to make your self look better and strong fall into the mix?


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I'm in the same boat as the original poster and I've been thinking about this decision for a while now. I've already somewhat taken the legal supplement plunge having taken Halodrol, but I'm giving Superdrol and phera-phlex a go in 2 weeks.

I think it probably comes down to your goals, I have no problem taking superdrol or orals that are still legal, it's just crossing over to the ol' syringe and other gear.

I want to compete and take it to the top, I dunno.

As for the clothes analogy, I understand the point but it's a bit of a stretch. It's one thing having no problem being open and honest with your parents, its another to willing to lie about your gear use to family/friends and people you trust.

You really don't have much choice in the end, the people you tell could tell someone else, then it just all comes back to you. Seems like the only real logical way to do this to tell those closest and not divulge the info to strangers.

Support from your close loved ones is also a great thing to have, maybe talking it over with them is a wise decision.

EDIT: Also Burner I can relate to you, ie wanting to be open and honest with your close loved ones and not holding any secrets. I guess my main difference is I have no problem taking things that are willingly legal and oral. Gear should be taken seriously and safely, I believe things like Halodrol and Superdrol are legal orals that qualify, I would have no problem divulging my use with those to someone I cared about. My fine line comes down to using a syringe and plopping good ol Test in my ass.


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I've got some more stuff to say:

I'm still not sure whether divulging your use to parents is a wise decision. If they're willing to listen and seriously consider the circumstances, they're somewhat informed with what your taking (superdrol in this case) then I can't see how listening to their objections could hurt you.

If they aren't understanding, then why bother. You'd really have to trust them. Like I said earlier, I have no problem taking legal orals.

The arguments been made that real gear is much safer and not as liver toxic, that's a valid argument but doesn't neccessarily overcome the objections that people like myself have, I want to be foreward with the people I care about and I don't want to be prejudged based on some substance I take.

I guess it really has to come back to me and what I think, it's one thing to consider others judgements and then make a decision myself, it's another to mistake their judgement for my own.

I have to make my own decision and be confident in it and go forward from there.


Snuggle Club™ mascot
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Once my wife understood how much safer injectibles are compared to the orals I was taking she was all for it. She even pins me. :) I hate doin it myself. ( what a pussy, I know )

I would never do it without her knowledge and consent BTW.


Girlfriends/friends don't care if I use pheraplex/superdrol

No impact whatsoever, just gettin huge and looking great


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I've run one cycle, 500mg of Test E 11wks. It didn't impact "me" much at all. I'm the same person, with the same demeanor, same intelligence. The only difference is that I'm a bit bigger and stronger.

I wouldn't bother telling your parents unless you are willing to try and beat the anti-steroid propaganda out of their heads.


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True BW, but who decides what is okay and what is not? ...where does using AAS to make your self look better and strong fall into the mix?
here I fall back on the basic guidelines of a free & civil society:
if one is not disturbing the peace;
is not defrauding, swindling, extorting or blackmailing others;
is not assaulting, injuring or killing others;
is not bullying, terrorising, intimidating or threatening others;
is not stealing, damaging, destroying or falsely conveying the property, wealth, assets or information of others;
and is not by any means causing others to fear for their lives and safety of their families and communities, should be free to do as one damn' well pleases.

by this yardstick, AAS (along with many other things) fall into the "do as they damn' well please" category.

In a nutshell, government has no charge, no mandate and no authority to determine or police morality: if the impact of an individual's actions do not extend beyond the individual and his/her voluntary associates, the state has no role and no interest that would allow it to manipulate the outcome (beyond enforcing the scope-of-action outlined above).

It is, admittedly, an old-fashioned view; it wasn't until the end of WW2 that this way of looking at citizenship & community began to erode, but it's almost totally disappeared by now. The Libertarians still hold to the basic idea (though they limit themselves to limiting government & ignore the concept of a citizen's responsibilities to the community (successfully - and unfairly - rebranded as liberal thinking in the corporate rise that accompanied the cold war)), but the Libertarians aren't a functional party in the sense that the Republicrats are, so most libertarian principles get put in the 'impractical idealism' closet & only brought out for the occasional show.

Real election reform would prevent the Demopublicans from conniving to exclude other parties, platforms and viewpoints from debates and elections...but I'm *really* getting off-topic here.

*sigh* - wordy bastard, aren't I?


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I like the way he "makes" me think. ;)


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Well, for the most part, steroids have been nothing but a positive in my life, the helped me get into the best shape I have ever been, and feel amazing while doing it and after (except for a bit of moodiness from clomid but oh well :) ). The "most part" comes from a b/s traffic stop gone horribly wrong while moving across the country which makes it basically impossible for me to "be in the game" for a long while, just because I am being paranoid about things. I would love to say that nothing bad has come from them, but I couldn't say that honestly. What I can say is that using steroids has never caused a problem for me, I was just very very very dumb when moving across country, and wasn't sufficiently warned that I *would* be followed/stopped in a certain state due to the fact that I have license plates from california, and that the officers *would* find a way to search my car. If I had known that I could have prevented all this bullshit I've been going through the last 4 months. The good news is that it looks like I won't be getting in any major trouble, but I have to wait a few more months to know for sure. I also totally think that the laws against steroid use are bullshit, and need to be re-thought, but for now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions.



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ohhh, man - that so totally sucks, I don't know where to start....

at least you're still with us!


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Being that my use has only been brief, i can say that it has been good, and I must state that no matter wht you put in your body, if your diet, and excercise is not in order, you will not get what you are looking for.
As for my future plans I want to compete, I am 6'1" and 235 lbs, so honestly will i make a dent if i compete naturally? Lets be serious, esp since Gunter and Tony Freeman are over 6 ft. and they have to carry over 270lbs to look filled out.
So you bet your ass I will have to explain to ms. Powerz, juice will have to be in my future. If she wants her man to be look Dexter, and Tony Freeman !!!


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I am making a big distinction between SD/PP (orals) that were at least recently legal over the counter, and illegal injectables. Maybe it is like smoking sigs & drinking beer - vs pot, leading to crystal meth. I know SD is very toxic to the liver. But injectables are a much larger health risk if abused. Risk of bad junk, overdosing, etc. In the end, it is a worse case of 2 evils. I have competed natural, and the fact is growth of 5 lbs a year is good. But if all the others are cycling and gaining 20+ lbs a year, then we need to get it right - take blood tests, know how to read them, and share experiences, Thats why I think this forum and its people are great. I think safe is a relative term - driving a car is not safe - so we need to take reasonable risks, but not stupid risks. The bottom line is most competitors are doing something, because natural test levels can undermine all other efforts in bodybuilding. If you are just doing it for looks, that is your call - your body - just be smart about it and let use learn from each other. It is too bad that doctors are so clueless on this. I went to a Dr while on SD, and he did not care, my Test level was low so he wanted to inject me with Steroids to bring Test up!


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I look at steroids much like I do hair gel, tanning, teeth whitening, hair coloring, tattooing, botox, hair growth formulas, and such. All have the capability to cause damage or serious harm. Yet they are tools like a chainsaw, it can make a job easier but with great caution do you wield it. Follow your desires but do so with an open mind and an informed one as well. The search for truth is never easy.

I personally would use them as shaping tools, like a wood worker uses his fine knives and planes. Improving my life as I see it.


I am making a big distinction between SD/PP (orals) that were at least recently legal over the counter, and illegal injectables. Maybe it is like smoking sigs & drinking beer - vs pot, leading to crystal meth. I know SD is very toxic to the liver. But injectables are a much larger health risk if abused. Risk of bad junk, overdosing, etc.
I've never once heard of anyone overdosing on steroids? If you have a reliable source bad gear isn't an issue, if abused orals pose a larger health risk than injectables do in my opinion.

The arguments been made that real gear is much safer and not as liver toxic, that's a valid argument but doesn't neccessarily overcome the objections that people like myself have, I want to be foreward with the people I care about and I don't want to be prejudged based on some substance I take.
So you're saying that you can be foreward with your family about taking superdrol but not about taking testosterone? Both are steroids, just with different methods of administration so that really makes no sense. If you don't mind telling your family you take oral steroids what's the difference if you're injecting them? It will only benefit your health to use the injectables over the orals.


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Overdosing? are you defining overdose as death, or health related problems that have been caused by steroids? If the latter is your definition, then in the past year there have been numerous cases of liver injuries related to the abuse and use of Superdrol. Also pros Tom Prince, Mike Matrazzo have been retired by there excessive abuse. On the Death side, Andreas Munzer basically killed himself with his cytadren, and other anabolic use. I am for safe use of Steroids, but please don't kid yourself and think you cannot Od on them, after all one can OD on water, the most abundant element in your body...


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All I have to input on this subject is you only live once and why not be muscular confident and physically capable of having a pleasant ride through this rollercoaster of life. Why be the one who cant carry their groceries up a flight of stairs or lift a couch when moving, Ive pushed my car blocks home when i had battery troubles, most peole couldnt and would have to pay. I appreciate the small things in life like being self sufficient and healthy, for me prohormones are just another great reason to learn, eat well, work out, and greatly improve my confidence while doing so. I find most people are unhappy with there lives and sit around complaining miserable with vices galore to get away from a "normal conscious experience". I think the farther you are away from your dreams the more likely you are going to feel helpless and stop trying, with prohormones i am trying to do good, now hopefully the best plan will be the path taken to ensure optimal benefit with minimal negatives, legal physical and emotional alike.


Overdosing? are you defining overdose as death, or health related problems that have been caused by steroids? If the latter is your definition, then in the past year there have been numerous cases of liver injuries related to the abuse and use of Superdrol. Also pros Tom Prince, Mike Matrazzo have been retired by there excessive abuse. On the Death side, Andreas Munzer basically killed himself with his cytadren, and other anabolic use. I am for safe use of Steroids, but please don't kid yourself and think you cannot Od on them, after all one can OD on water, the most abundant element in your body...
Yes obviously excessive abuse has many health risks as seen by Tom and Mike, but I was referring to overdosing as death. Yes Andreas died, and his AAS cycles were pretty nuts, but you're right it was cytadren that lead to his death, not the steroids. I may be wrong, but I don't know of any actual overdose deaths directly from AAS usage. And yes superdrol has created numerous health problems over the last year which is why I stated in my original post "if abused orals pose a larger health risk than injectables do in my opinion."


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"I may be wrong, but I don't know of any actual overdose deaths directly from AAS usage. And yes superdrol has created numerous health problems over the last year which is why I stated in my original post "if abused orals pose a larger health risk than injectables do in my opinion"

That very well may be true, just wanted to know what your definition of OD was. thanks for the clarification, speaking of which i was talking to this 17 year old who was tall and huge with a year of lifting and great Genetics, he was Russian, telling me how he was thinking about using Superdrol, telling me about the PCT he was going to use, my fucking jaw dropped as this kid was going to ruin himself and natty levels from listening to his dumb ass 18 y/o friend who is on Drol right now. Anyway the moral of this rant was that even at small doses orals like you stated can be detremental to one's health. And one has to be informed before they go to the dark side...:woohoo:


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You think it'd be possible to OD if you dropped a 90 ct bottle of SD all at once? This would be an interesting experiment to run on a lab rat. Of course you'd have to take the weight differences into account & find a possible weight/dosage ratio. Anyone have a hamster & some drol they would want to spare? LOL

EDIT: Aside from the adverse side effects, if you didn't die, I honestly think you'd explode from the muscle pumps. Those would be some intense muscle pumps lol.


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well, it has taken up a shitload of my free time. This isn't too difficult since I have a obsessive/addictive personality type.

it has also taken a substantial hit on my bank account, probably closely related to the above.

it has expanded my understanding of hampster physiology.


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Little less hair, little more strength.

With that being said, I have only had 1 good cycle and it was too short (Test& 1-Test). I will wait quite some time before I run anything again. I am making just as good if not better gains than I was when I was taking Ergomax or SD with just a few changes in diet and supplements, as well as training routine. The most important thing is diet, and if I had the right situation where I could hire Bobo, I would give my gear up to hire him, but I don't buy the groceries!


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Good thread!

I've only done 2 very short, very mild cycles of legal/formerly legal "supps". I'm definitely planning on doing more, and I bet that after that I will cross over to the darkside, and I would definitely go the injectable route. I think it is interesting just how negative an association many people have with injections. I actually kinda like getting shots (though I've never given myself one), and I just look at it as another way to get something into your body; I don't hink it is a big deal. I suspect that the people who hold this image of steroids (parents, friends, almost everyone) do so b/c they associate it with heroin. The propaganda has helped to force that association. I remember seeing an article that had a jacked arm about to inject into his vein. This is a heroin image, so people automatically establish that connection, and along with it all of the negative associations. I was injected for a bee sting allergic reaction and that was great; it was nice to watch my body deflate and stop itching almost immediately; I have positive associations with injections :D

All of that being said, I definitely think people need to use gear very carefully. The issues you hear about with the pros should not be a factor for anyone here. They use massive doses for absurd lengths of time. They are extreme athletes taking it to an extreme level. None of us have any reason to subject our bodies to that (if you do, God bless you). However, moderate doses of safer (not halo, methyl tren...) anabolics monitored with frequent bloodwork is not going to affect the majority of us in a negative, permanent way. Paired with a healthy diet, I definitely think this could be a way to enhance your life. That is what so many people miss out on.

Lots of good ideas in this thread. Keep it coming.


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I only wish I could be free to do it without any legal ramifications.

Has superdrol created numerous health problems really? :blink:
i mean i know it has on paper, from blood tests, but i haven't been around here at AM in a while, and couldnt find anything on the search yet.

Who here had a health problem due to superdrol?!
A professional wrestler did. He was apparently abusing it, and his body through lifestyle. I don't know who else.

I totally agree with the legality factor being crucial. I would definitely lose my job if I were using steroids. And many people who I respect would look down on me out of their lack of awareness of the true nature of this debate. You can't really go around arguing in favor of steroids with everyone in your life. As someone stated earlier, you'd have to undo years of propaganda, some of which exists b/c there are many potentially dangerous steroids, mostly orals, that have been abused by people without a concept of what a bloodtest could reveal, why, and how it could be prevented. I think it was Null who recently said that most guys in the gym have never heard of PCT. If this is true, there are probably a lot of guys out there who party on cycle, eat terribly, and do irreparable damage. They are as much of a problem as any politician b/c they give the politicians witchhunt fodder.

...I need to stop rambling tonight


Hey lots of good stuff guys, keep it coming!

The only health problem from superdrol I have ever heard of was the wrestler mentioned earlier. I did have a close friend abuse M1T, he got jaundice and spent a week in the hospital...not a smart guy, had no clue what he was taking/doing.


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Steroids have helped make me the greatest homerun hitter of all time, but please don't tell anyone! Thanks

Seriously, I take them because they make me better, not better than you or anyone else per se. They make me a better person. Not because people that are ripped, huge and strong are better than people who are not. They make me a better person because I have tried something based upon my own research with the ultimate goal of becoming a better person. I truly believe that I have accomplished my goal. I have more confidence. I have a better body image and more peace of mind. Thanks testosterone and all your bro's!

PS. I really am ripped huge and strong,


New member
Some good points have been made, I don't know about the "I'm a better person" for using superdrol argument though, lmao.

Anyway, I believe the whole stigma behind a syringe really does effect your judgement. I have no problem taking legal orals, probably because I feel more people are accepting of it. I still do contemplate a lot of things, maybe I'm not ready to deal with the use of injectable gear and the feedback I'd get from friends/family. The idea that a family member could find a syringe and a vial is not preferable. I'd need to talk it over with them, support goes a long way.

I also think I shouldn't give a ****, but their concerns might be valid, I obviously have concerns myself. Gear should be taken seriously, maybe I should just use and not tell them, sorta hard to get bloodwork done behind their back (I live with my parents, lmao, not ideal).

EDIT: I also just hate the fact that people associate big guys with gear. I even do it subconciously, I just don't want people to have a preconceived notion of me.. this decision really is pretty tough. Sounds like I'm being a pansy...


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Some good points have been made, I don't know about the "I'm a better person" for using superdrol argument though, lmao.

Anyway, I believe the whole stigma behind a syringe really does effect your judgement. I have no problem taking legal orals, probably because I feel more people are accepting of it. I still do contemplate a lot of things, maybe I'm not ready to deal with the use of injectable gear and the feedback I'd get from friends/family. The idea that a family member could find a syringe and a vial is not preferable. I'd need to talk it over with them, support goes a long way.

I also think I shouldn't give a ****, but their concerns might be valid, I obviously have concerns myself. Gear should be taken seriously, maybe I should just use and not tell them, sorta hard to get bloodwork done behind their back (I live with my parents, lmao, not ideal).

EDIT: I also just hate the fact that people associate big guys with gear. I even do it subconciously, I just don't want people to have a preconceived notion of me.. this decision really is pretty tough. Sounds like I'm being a pansy...
It sounds like you are looking outside yourself for approval of your actions. That is a tough row to hoe, it is not impossible, it just requires a lot of time to find out what everybody expects of you. I don't share the opinion of finding approval outside myself to be necessary for me to choose my actions. I expect people to believe in me. If they do believe in me than everthing I do is a direct reflection of myself. If you don't believe in me then, I need to do a better job of convincing you, that I believe in myself. Simply if you believe in me than you accept my decisions as being mine, even if you don't agree with them in fact. I still have the right to be my own man. If a person cannot give me the basic respect to be my own man, then I don't have time for that person in my life. This probably won't be of much help to you because it took me 40 years to get to my current state of mind. I resisted the temptation to believe in myself for along time before I finally got it right. Good luck with your goals!


I also think I shouldn't give a ****, but their concerns might be valid, I obviously have concerns myself. Gear should be taken seriously, maybe I should just use and not tell them, sorta hard to get bloodwork done behind their back (I live with my parents, lmao, not ideal).
You do realize that you're ALREADY taking gear. Superdrol is a steroid.


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I just wanted to comment on a few posts I saw. The original poster mentioned he worried he might develope an addiction (mental addiction). As I have to a degree, it comes and goes every few years, as I get interested in the supplementation that has been introduced, and really want to more or less "expirement". (I do my research before, its just a "Lets see where the supp industry has gone since Ive been gone kinda thing).
ANYWAYS- I wanted to point out 1 thing on the addiction aspect: How many posts here do you see someone saying something like "I finished a SD cycle a little while ago- my first cycle- and plan on running a SD/PP cycle later"....

I'm not tring to objectivly post one way or the other here, but I did notice.

I also saw the ol' I dont have a problem with SD, but I couldnt go to the needle" -in my day, it usually went like, I'll smoke a cig, but not pot. followed by, "I only smoke weed, I'll never get into coke"..... You can se eyourself going to tjhe next step because its rarely "the next step". You might use a transdermal, more orals,..

Anyways, Sorry bout the preachin'.. for me personally, I've fought a few addictions in my life- and Im only 25. I know that even durring those times,m the gym was probably the only possitive thing I had. And It help make me a better person by giving me a more healthy "addiction" to replace my older ones. If you feel the need to explore it ,then do so. But do it the smart way.

About hiding it from people... I dont talk videogames with my Mom either- becayse she just doesnt know anything about them. But I love my PS2, and I dont need anyone else to like it along with me. ,....Same with gear


About hiding it from people... I dont talk videogames with my Mom either- becayse she just doesnt know anything about them. But I love my PS2, and I dont need anyone else to like it along with me. ,....Same with gear
Excellent analogy, I agree 100%.


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In the 5 years Ive been training, Ive only done a couple 1test/4AD cycles, but they were very effective and resulted in very appreciable and retained gains in strength and muscle.

For me, the use of anabolics has kept me focused, and shown me that the intensity and dedication I have while using them should transcend to everything I do. I shouldnt *need* to be on a cycle to get meticulous about my diet and never miss a workout.

Its fun to grow that fast, but honestly ive only done a short 4-week cycle every year and a half or so, because trying to train naturally and achieve that same kind of gratification is rewarding in its own right.

That might change now that Im in my 30's, I admit had I been more liberal with my use of chemical enhancers I'd be a heck of a lot bigger/stronger/defined than I am now. Then again, a lot of the new natural products like Cissus, NHA stack, GHRP's, etc. show great promise for those who choose not to use extragenous hormones.

In short, I think steroids are great. Although I dont use them a lot, I look forward to the times when I do. I think its a shame ignorance is the status quo in our society. And Im saddened by the fact that this will never change, at least in my lifetime.



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It is impossible to know if the problems pro bb's suffer is from steroids or not. They take so many drugs much more dangerous than steroids its hard to say what caused it. I do know that Tom Prince admitted to taking steroids but said his problems was most likley caused by using over the counter pain killers in massive doses for years. I can't remeber if it was tylenol or Ibeprofin. By the way I wouldn't worry about overdosing on steroids. Your more likely to die from a night of heavy drinking and it doesn't seem anybody ever worries about that.


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I am making a big distinction between SD/PP (orals) that were at least recently legal over the counter, and illegal injectables. Maybe it is like smoking sigs & drinking beer - vs pot, leading to crystal meth.
Are you referring to the discredited "gateway" hypothesis, or making a point? I really can't tell, & would appreciate more clarity here.


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It is impossible to know if the problems pro bb's suffer is from steroids or not. They take so many drugs much more dangerous than steroids its hard to say what caused it. I do know that Tom Prince admitted to taking steroids but said his problems was most likley caused by using over the counter pain killers in massive doses for years. I can't remeber if it was tylenol or Ibeprofin. By the way I wouldn't worry about overdosing on steroids. Your more likely to die from a night of heavy drinking and it doesn't seem anybody ever worries about that.
It was Advil.

...and I've almost died from heavy drinking at least twice :( when I was a teenager. Adolescence is a very dangerous time. Damn lack of a well-developed pre-frontal cortex :FUfinger:


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Good point, my neo-Brazilian friend!
(BTW - haow was your trip?)

Don't hear enough about the dangers of ibuprofen, which is VERY HARD ON THE LIVER. If you're doing anything that elevates liver values, Advil is *not* your friend!

And yes, adolescence is a very dangerous time, when the crazy, stupid & reckless get culled from the herd (hopefully, before they can reproduce). Sort of a live-fire intelligence test....

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