Genetics & Hormones/Diet



Not sure the best place for this post so I'm going to drop it two different places. I've been lifting for 11 years and have tried numerous forms of testosterone and supplements in the past. For now I just try to eat healthy and stick to your basic staples... creatine, BCAA's, etc.

I'm 31, and 6 feet 2 inches tall. I've weighed all the way up to 218 lbs strictly bulking but my best form was roughly 210 lbs. and 7% bodyfat. I've found that the only way my body will support anything over 200 lbs. is with testosterone. My overall strength is roughly the same but my body will just not cooperate with what I'm trying to accomplish.

Currently I'm taking in 250-270 grams of protein a day, keeping my fat at or under 50 grams and taking in enough healthy carbs in the morning and post workout to be around 3,200 calories. I'm sitting at 192 lbs. and 11% body fat and my body just refuses to change. I don't want to take testosterone forever, but I also don't want to put that back into my body, get the stats I desire after 12-20 weeks and then not be able to sustain those numbers once I quit taking it. Obviously if I add ten lbs. of muscle with test my body fat percentage will go down even if I don't lose any fat just based on body composition.

Any suggestions or people dealing with a somewhat similar issue?

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