Ostarine cycle results and plans for next cycle


New member
I finished a five week cycle of Olympus Labs Ostar1ne. I'm in my thirties and I've been training for over a decade. This was my first experiment with PEDs.

I started with 10 mg / day, then went to 15 mg / day and finally 20 mg / day. The only noticeable effect in the first two weeks was increased libido. I was surprised, as I thought ostarine was supposed to be almost purely anabolic without androgenic effects.

My maximal strength did not increase from the cycle, but I was able to do three more reps with my previous 10 rep max without going to failure. My weight stayed the same. I might have seen better gains if I would have run it for 8+ weeks. However, I got some side effects and I decided to stop.

I had trouble sleeping in the last week and possibly elevated blood pressure. I had a dull headache and when in bed, I could feel my heart working harder than usual. Well, of course I can't say for sure without measuring my bp. Melatonin did not help with the insomnia.

Some people have reported gyno symptoms with ostarine. I had an ai at hand, but did not use it. In fact, my existing pubertal gyno was getting noticeably smaller by the end of the cycle. The hard lump got smaller and my chest was tighter. Less water and fat. Reduced gyno and clicking knees might be symptoms of low estradiol levels.

Now I'm running clomid 25 mg / day for one week and 12.5 mg / day for two weeks. I'm also taking an otc test booster with it.


New member
I'm planning a longer cycle for late spring and summer. I learned my lesson and I will be better prepared. I will buy a bp monitor and start preloading hawthorne before the cycle. I will also take bloods mid-cycle and after pct. I know my baseline, so I'm not taking bloods pre-cycle. My previous side-effects might also be due to suppression. Now I will take epiandrosterone and perhaps dermacrine as a "test base".

Training will be high frequency with some kind of periodization scheme. I want to lose 3-4 kg and build some muscle at the same time. I have still enough ostarine to run five weeks at 20 mg / day. Would it be a good idea to run the ostarine and continue with lgd for 4-5 weeks? I know this is a heavier cycle, so a full pct is required. I was thinking clomid for four weeks, first week 50 mg / day and next weeks 25 mg / day.


New member
I ended up getting two bottles of Sparta Cerberus v2. It has 85 mg of 1-Andro, 85 mg of 4-andro and 150 mg of epiandro per pill. The instructions are to take 3 caps per day. That would be a total of 255 mg of 1-andro and 4-andro + 450 mg of epiandro. It has a cyclosome delivery system. There are 90 caps per bottle, so it's enough for 60 days with the suggested dosing. Does this sound ok?

I plan to start with 5 weeks of Ostarine and continue after that with the andros. As I mentioned, I got side-effects from my first ostarine cycle when taking 20 mg per day. Now I'm going to take only 10 mg to prevent muscle wasting during the cut. Is it worthless to run ostarine alongside with the andros after the first five weeks? I could take it for five weeks and save the rest for later.

I'm aiming for a 400-600 calorie deficit, mainly from increased low intensity aerobic exercise.

I'm already taking hawthorne and I will soon start celery seed and ubiquinol. I will reduce sodium in my diet and cut out all caffeine. I'm also getting a bp-monitor. I don't have access to tudca, so I will take SAM-e as my liver support. PCT will be clomid 50/25/25/25.

How does the plan sound?


New member
Training will be daily undulating periodization. Is it necessary to have a deloading week midcycle? My joints and tendons usually need a deloading week every month or so, but I don't know how it works when on cycle. If there is no deload, how should I pick the starting weights and plan my progression? My program requires me to either increase the load or number of sets every week.

I will take some bloodwork six weeks in the cycle, one week after starting the andros.

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