Dbol 10mg and Sup3r-11kt 6 weeks plus nolva pct?


New member
Just been on holiday and realised that despite my efforts I suck. I saw so many guys on the beach who were obviously on gear who made me look like I barely train.
I am 50 6ft 3 and weigh about 200lbs. I had been trying to lose some weight for the holiday and look kinda ok after training in the right light/mirror etc. My partner thinks I look good for my age and she is cute so I am not considering this just to attract chicks.
I train 4 times per week and have been training many years.
I have a degree in Physiology and Sport so I am mostly clued up on diet and training.

I was thinking of using 11-kt at an anabolic dose along with 10 mg dbol. Pct would be Nolva 4 weeks maintenance calories plus 500kcal
How does this sound?

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