HCG - During cycle or during PCT?


New member
What are your opinions on HCG? Ive got 5000UI included with my cycle. So I read up on it and I get a lot of discrepant statements about during cycle or on PCT. A 250UI shot twice a week throughout the whole cycle seems logical and PCT can be handled with Nolv and Chlomid.

"When steroids are administered, LH levels rapidly decline. The absence of an LH signal from the pituitary causes the testes to stop producing testosterone, which causes rapid onset of testicular degeneration. The testicular degeneration begins with a reduction of leydig cell volume, and is then followed by rapid reductions in intra-testicular testosterone (ITT), peroxisomes, and Insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) – All important bio-markers and factors for proper testicular function and testosterone production. (2-6,19) However, this degeneration can be prevented by a small maintenance dose of hCG ran throughout the cycle. Unfortunately, most steroid users have been engrained to believe that hCG should be used after a cycle, during PCT. Upon reviewing the science and basic endocrinology you will see that a faster and more complete recovery is possible if hCG is ran during a cycle."


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Some like it hot some like it cold some like it in the pot nine days old.

The more people use it during cycle the more we are hearing that is the way to go.... Which seems to make sense - if you're not completely shut down the recovery is smoother than a full restart.
You can run it through cycle and pct if needed/preferred.

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