Pre Existing Gyno, Start a New PH Cycle, HELP!


New member
Hello everyone! I commented my situation, in two days I start a cycle of alpha (A1M), super dmz for 6 weeks, 3 each compound.
My problem is I have a small gynecomastia, a lump in my right nipple something sensible. I wanted to take every precaution to prevent this increase during this cycle. Arimidez have in hand and nolvadex.
My intention is to use 0.5 adex ED during the first three weeks and the last 3 0.25. In the post cycle has used a suicide inhibitor (Arimistane) along with nolva.
Believe should be added during the cycle 0.10 / 0.20 of nolva for greater prevention?
I would appreciate your answers very much!


New member
I was wrong, wanted to say 20/10 mg nolvadex.

Nobody can help me?

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