Looking at Helladrol+epistane bridged with test base. Questions


New member
I'm planning out my next cycle. I've decided to go with the helladrol stack.

Helladrol - 75mg through out for 4 weeks
Forged liver support
Forged post cycle
Forma Stanzol

I have an extra bottle of cel E-stane I was thinking of running as well. I was just going to start running epi at week 4 @ 30mg after the Hdrol. Would 8 weeks be to long? Maybe cut it back to 1-3 weeks hdrol @ 75mg and 3-6week epi @ 30mg?

As far as the test base I was thinking about using Lg m1d black. Would I be better of running this right from the start for the whole 6 to 8 weeks (how ever long the cycle is) or would I be better off waiting till week 2 or 3 to start it?
I have a 1/4 bottle left of rs transaderm left from my last epi cycle. maybe enough for 10 days at 5 pumps. Can I throw this in somewhere to finish it? Say use the transaderm for the first few days till its gone then go with m1d black?

Helladrol @ 75mg weeks 1-4
Epistane @ 30 mg weeks 4-8
rs transderm 5 pumps week 1-2
Lg m1d @ 6 caps week 2-8
Forged liver support @ recomended dosage through out cycle
Forged post cycle week 8-16
Forma Stanzol @ 5 pumps week 8-16
Nolva (liquid) 20mg week 8-10, then 10mg week 10-14

I know everyone says throw daa in there but I tried it last cycle and it made my chest swell up. Freaked me out! So I stopped and it went back to normal. To replace it I might go with animal stak.
Any recomendations or comments are welcome.


New member
So am I good at a total 8 week cycle if I don't have anysides or should I knock it back to 6 weeks?
I'm a hella virgin but with epi I didn't have any side effects except my blood pressure was up the first few days.

I have erase and endosurge for a test booster and ai. I was looking at animal stak, it has a LOT in it but seems under dosed when compaired to other products for a specific ingredient.

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