hemadrol and steel crusher stack


New member
ive been taking hemadrol for about 2 weeks now, nd its been working good, as of yesterday aug 25, i started a steel crusher halocherry cycle. im halfway through the hemadrol cycle so the stack is kinda staggered, does anybody know if the two would work well together? also when my cycle of hemadrol is over, i will be stacking the rest of the steel crusher cycle with tribulus to maintain natural test levels. and for my pct i bought this suppliment called natural test, which contains trib, zma, and 6-oxo (which is a estrogen block) the store i bought it from said it works good for post cycle. all of these supps will be stacked halfway through the previous cycle keeping them staggered. also, ive been taking the supps even on my rest days to keep the chemicals flowing throughout my bloodstreem evenly 24/7, i was wondering if this was a smart thing to do, or if it would be better to not take anything on my rest day?

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