Another Bridge?


I'm coming up towards the end of my SD to Epi bridge cycle (10/20/20-40/40/40/40). I have made great gains and am not showing any signs of even mild shutdown. I haven't had hardly any side effects besides back pumps. This isn't new to me. My body seems to tolerate most DS's I've used quite well. BP is actually still pretty low too.

My question is...would bridging into another non-methyl be a bad idea? I've never done (or considered) three in a row before. I have a coupe bottles of Methoxy TST I was considering @ 10mg ED for a month. I thought of using this next cycle as a cut and then go into PCT a lot leaner.

I'm running all my support supps and have plenty of Nolva on hand.

I'd appreciate any input or suggestions. Thanks

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