Test e + tren OR deca


New member
Hello guys, first proper post on here so cut me some slack haha!

Done a few cycles over the past few years, SARMS, PH, test + var, test + dbol etc

Been training for 5 years now, weighing about 106kg roughly

My next step I'm considering is obviously a test E base, but with deca or tren to accompany it

My only problem is I don't have access to dostinex (cabergoline) as my source is no longer able to source this himself

Any other things I could use to help/assist with any potential prolactin issues? - any thoughts will be appreciated highly!

Cycle is looking like so
Weeks 1 - test e 750mg
Weeks 2-9 - test e 500mg
Weeks 10-14 test e 600-750mg?

Weeks 1-14 0.5 adex every 2 or 3 days

Weeks 1-5 MSTEN @ 20mg and potentially bump up to 30mg

Want to add in tren or deca but unsure of how to combat sides without caber


New member
Pct will be HCG starting at week 12 with a front load, continuing through to week 17
With clomid and nolva every day weeks 15-17


New member
Tren my friend. Be prepared to hop on the gain train. One caveat though in tren. If you are prone to aggression, tren will make your fuse shorter
