Help transitioning routines


Hello I am M/23/260lbs
Squat 570, Bench 385, Deadlift 615

Currently running Sheikos 4 day program Diet is at a deficit as I am trying to compete at a lower class for my next meet if I can
I love Sheikos program and the frequency with which I do my squats and bench has really made them increase, but the program takes extremely long. Some times a little more than 3hrs from beginning of prep to out the door. I have also gotten injured recently and thus need to take a week off and was thinking of changing programs during this time. Recently started reading up on jonnie canditos 6 week program. Looks very enticing and seems to be something that I can finish in a practical amount of time. Can anyone give me advice on this being a good idea? Or better suggestions? Also his first week involves lifting too many days of the week and If this is the program I want to switch to I would wanna condense those days if possible. Please advise

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