Two questions for PCT for hdrol


New member
Hey there,

I'm about a week away from finishing up a six week 50/50/75/75/100/100 hdrol cycle.

I only ate about 400-500 calories above maintenance and had nice gains in strength. While I did not see the amazing 15+ lb of gain in weight or skyrocketing strength I've seen some claim, the increase in strength was definitely well above what I'd expect when I'm not on anything and I don't think I gained a pound of fat so I'm satisfied. While I did have cycle assist and was always hydrated, I had no sides either, only experienced a mild pump in my calves after walking sometimes but no need for taurine. I haven't even had a decline in libido.

I figure there's the possibility the brand of hdrol I bought is underdosed as I did notice some of the capsules contained less powder than the majority which doesn't seem like a good sign, and the fact that I didn't see any sides at 100 mg/day, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. I have two questions:

1) As of now I have Torem and have heard 90/60/60/30 would be good to go. I've also read starting it off at 120 mg/day for a couple of days and then bringing it down to 90 mg/day for about a week and then running it through 60 mg/day. Would 90/60/60/30 do the job for the cycle I've taken?

2) I've heard that test boosters help a lot with things like libido, but since my libido hasn't really been affected I don't really care. Is there a considerable difference in the amount of strength retained post-cycle when comparing a PCT with and without a test booster? Is it worth spending the money?


Active member
Not a considerable difference if you are running a SERM, but they can help your HPTA get going faster. Running Tropinol XP or Intimidate SRT/DAA alongside a SERM will get the boys going faster.


Active member
I have found that having a T-Booster helped a lot for my libido. I used Intimidate SRT which worked for me.

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