Does IGF-1 Make me Grow Taller?


New member
Hello, I have an important question about IGF-1 and GH. I'm 17 years old and I'm 177 cms right now. I'm a defender in soccer so I have to be taller than 182 cms. 1 month ago I went a doctor and he told me my growth plates are closing slowly. So If I take IGF-1 and GH or anyother anabolics does it grow me 7 cms? Because I want to be 184 cms.

Please help me, thanks y'all.


New member
Growth plates generally for males fuse anywhere from 18-25 25 being the extreme end of the spectrum theoretically yes the right dose of igf-1 could help you grow taller especially at 17 the likely hood of your growth plates being open at your age are over 90% in my opinion you want to also run a good a.i alongside preferably letrozole to prolong the fusion of your growth plates also throw in huperzine a to inhibit somatostatin best of luck man
