I failed a GH stimulation test!


I recently failed the arginine stimulation test and am legitimately GH deficient.
Results: https://app.box.com/s/mrnt58qauqssuhv5q1k0

This explains why it's been hard recomp no matter how strict my diet and training.

I urge all males >35 to get this test done: http://www.questdiagnostics.com/test...action?ntc=521

They say it's rare and I almost didn't have it done.

Any suggestions on starting doses? Since my body isn't used to GH, perhaps start with a lower dose and work my way up depending on how I feel.

I had read before in some other threads that peptides like GHRP-2, GHRP-6, sermorelin, etc., aren't effective in the case of possible hypopit or as in my case in which a secretagogue fails to stimulate the pituitary.

Since my specimen level #2 peaked @ 2.1ng/mL, I am wondering if there's any chance for a peptide or peptide combo to work even though there may be little or no pituitary function based on the other levels.

The only reason I bring up peptides is as an alternative to frank GH.

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