squeaks go crash



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hey everyone.. just venting ..

to anyone that has ever drove drunk.. i wish you would think about your actions.

friday night my sister and i were stopped and a red light singing and having fun when a drunk driver came down the wrong way and smashed innto us head on... i am fine but my sister is pretty hurt and was kept in the hospital for more observations... the man whohit us was not poor, nor was he a scuzzy looking guy.. he is a "new rich" snob that doesnt care about other peoples life... i dont care that my car is done, and i dont care that his car (that he kept crying about while good people kept him from running from the accident) i care about the life of my sister and thank god she is ok..

please just think before you get into a car when you drink...


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Glad you're ok Squeaks! Keep an eye on your sister too.

Drunk drivers are sh*theads, I know first hand, my ex is a repeat offender.


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Unfortunately people will not listen to these stories until they happen to them or their loved ones. I'm sorry for your sister and i hope she gets better though.


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I wish you and your sister a speedy recovery!

I hope this occurred in a state without threshold limits on wrongful injury litigation.

Once your health is on track you can best help others by creating an example out of this unfortunate incident.

You may not make the other driver any more responsible or any less of a snob, but you should be able make him less rich.

...and rich guys really hate that!


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hopefully you can sue the sh*t outta him. i can honestly say that if this happened to me i would have lost it and beat the sh*t outta him, they can blame the rage on whatever they want but these f*ckin people need to get a good ass beating.

sorry that made me mad reading that! :D

Hope your sister is fine.
Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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im glad your sister is going to be ok. people are idiots. i dont understand how human beings can become so insensitive to people's lives.


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Hope everyone is ok squeaks, in general people are just a$$holes


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well just feel lucky you are ok. people get killed everyday in DUI car crashes.


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Glad you're okay and glad you're sister isn't more seriously injured.

This is why, IMO, although I would legalize drugs I would also increase penalties to thinks like DWI or any other drug related offenses ridiculously.

If you're "drunk" and drive you're going to jail and losing your license in my world...no tolerance for *******s who don't have any respect for anyone elses lives.


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I hope that your sister has a quick and smooth recovery. My ex-GF would get drunk and drive around frequently and, luckily, she has never hurt anyone. In TX, it is extremely common to know people with a DUI, but I wish and hope that this will stop soon.


Idiot Savant
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Glad your okay squeaks, and hope your sister gets a speedy recovery. It's sad that often times the people that are the most respectful, and careful about their actions are the ones that wind up hurting the most.


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i will admit, i am a former repeat offender many times over. it's extremely stupid, arrogant, and selfish. unfortunately, it's also pretty commonplace. i am working a summer job doing security at a pretty big bar, and the condition people are in while leaving the parking lot at night is disturbing. i personally would like to see breathalyzer's come standard in cars that had to be used before it can even be turned on, it's just not possible for the police to get everyone


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I think really harsh penalties for DWI would solve it. If I thought I'd lose my license and get stuck in jail just for a few drinks, I'd take a cab. People in the US just think "worst case scenario I'll get a fine. but, that's unlikely since I drive good when I'm drunk anyway."


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yeah, it's also a lot of "it won't happen to me" attitude combined with bad decision making/arrogance


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I think really harsh penalties for DWI would solve it. If I thought I'd lose my license and get stuck in jail just for a few drinks, I'd take a cab. People in the US just think "worst case scenario I'll get a fine. but, that's unlikely since I drive good when I'm drunk anyway."

it IS harsh! in PA you get fcuked over really bad for DUI`s.
im not saying that drunk driving is right but it shouldn`t mess your whole life up.

this is how it should work:
if you just get pulled over for leaving a bar and you happen to be over the limit than you should get a fine but not lose your DL.
if you are all nasty drunk and all over the road but you didnt hit anyone or anything then a fine and a short lose of DL ( 2 weeks max)
if you hit another car and hurt someone than you just fcuked up and now its time to lose your DL for a few months and a big fine plus classes.
if you kill someone than you should get the book thrown at your dumb ass.

agian i want to be clear that i dont support drunk driving but lets be honest, im sure 90% of you have done it at least once in your life and have friends that have done it too. and im also sure that most of you never got caught cause you`re such a "good drunk driver". bull$hit! some people are lucky and some aren`t.
bottom line is that the punishment should fit the crime.


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I'm part of that 10% as well.

I do have friends who have, and family members who have. If it were up to me they'd lost their damn licenses.

I would like to make a provision for maybe levels of drunkeness. If you get pulled over for traffic violation and you're just barely over the legal limit you shouldn't be getting in trouble, maybe a warning. But, if you're definitley over the limit and you got pulled over for driving like a drunk you should get the DL revoked for a while.


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I'm part of that 10% as well.

I do have friends who have, and family members who have. If it were up to me they'd lost their damn licenses.

I would like to make a provision for maybe levels of drunkeness. If you get pulled over for traffic violation and you're just barely over the legal limit you shouldn't be getting in trouble, maybe a warning. But, if you're definitley over the limit and you got pulled over for driving like a drunk you should get the DL revoked for a while.

we are on the same page buddy. it all about levels.


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ive been on a death bed because of my driving drunk and crashing....i lost everything minus my family and friends to that accident and very sadly to say i sometimes drive after drinking to this day.....i know it is pathetic. Sometimes i just wonder what is wrong with me, why do i still repeat the same mistakes, maybe my rock bottom is alot lower then others, maybe im just mentally sick, maybe i just make excuses, maybe i have a deathwish, i dunno but the subject just depresses me.


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Squeaks, I'm sorry to hear about all this...I wish the best for you and your sister.


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ive been on a death bed because of my driving drunk and crashing....i lost everything minus my family and friends to that accident and very sadly to say i sometimes drive after drinking to this day.....i know it is pathetic. Sometimes i just wonder what is wrong with me, why do i still repeat the same mistakes, maybe my rock bottom is alot lower then others, maybe im just mentally sick, maybe i just make excuses, maybe i have a deathwish, i dunno but the subject just depresses me.
PP, I used to drink and drive...I ended up getting arrested for it. Since that day, I have been pretty much permanant DD for my friends and have cut my drinking down to barely anything, and the only time I will have a drink is when I know I will be staying wherever I am, or have a sober driver home.

We all need to learn from our mistakes, and seeing as how you have had quite a bad experience yourself, I think maybe you need to either seek some counseling, or stay away from alcohol all together. Just saying this as a friend.

Either way, best of luck to you as well.


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Thank you so much everyone. I am feeling like a bunched up mother right now. Every last muscle in my body feels like it has been hit hard with a hammer. Some of you know,and know him, but my dad is a Judge and has taken some time off to insure a fair legal outcome but I am not looking for anything dramatic, just want it to be right.

Kellie has to go back for a cat scan ( i think) they aleady did one scan but apparently stuff can happen days after.. so she is going today to get that done. We both deff have concussions... she got it worse than i did. and she and I were both wearing seat belts, but when the car is at a dead stop they didn't do anything... she is only 100 pounds so she got tossed around.. i guess my extra 11 pounds kept me a little bit safer. My dad is going to send me pictures of the car today.. he wouldn't let me go with him to see it ( not that I care about the car, but i would prob break down because of how close it came to maybe killing us.)

thank you all for the support!


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Hope everything is okay with you and your sister sorry to hear about that Squeaks
PP, I used to drink and drive...I ended up getting arrested for it. Since that day, I have been pretty much permanant DD for my friends and have cut my drinking down to barely anything, and the only time I will have a drink is when I know I will be staying wherever I am, or have a sober driver home.

We all need to learn from our mistakes, and seeing as how you have had quite a bad experience yourself, I think maybe you need to either seek some counseling, or stay away from alcohol all together. Just saying this as a friend.

Either way, best of luck to you as well.

good call. I have seen a counselor, apparently i am borderline alcoholic. THing is all my problems or just about all have come from drinking.....losing possesions, fighting friends, losing girlfriends, and anything else in between. Not only that my dad is a real hardcore alkey and i dont want to be like him. Training and taking methyls really help lol so i know that i can control it and stop I think the main thing is just the people i associate with. I could go on and on but I have one thing to say.....

PumpingIron can you be my rolemodel.... lmfao!


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Sqeaks...Yea, I know when my sister had a big accident she didn't go see her car, never looked at the insurance pictures or anything. It would have caused more problems then it was worth...so it was probably a good call on you and your dad's part.

Hopefully the new car will be even better then the last...I'd recommend a bimmer...

Piston, good luck with your counseling and dealing with those demons. The herditary side of alcoholism sucks, but you can overcome it...


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Glad to hear your ok squeaks......unfortunatley i've seen this scenario all too often in my job. I can't tell you how many times i've taken care of a trauma patient that was the victim of a drunk driver and killed as a result. The worst part is you usually end up getting the drunk also as a patient and have to work to save his life knowing he took one, or sometimes many.....Now i'm no angel and have driven when i've had too much to drink in the past, but seeing this time and time again was more than enough for me to change my ways. Unfortunatley sometimes people need to have reality smack them in the face before they realize what they've become.
Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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so none of your friends have?
honestly, i know it sounds psycho, but no, NONE of us ever have. whenever we go out, we ALWAYS have a designated driver (she cant drink anything all night). I'm very proud of my small group of friends, they are all amazing. We're all really responsible... we have boyfriends, fiances, husbands or kids to come home to and want to make sure we increase our odds of making it back to them


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honestly, i know it sounds psycho, but no, NONE of us ever have. whenever we go out, we ALWAYS have a designated driver (she cant drink anything all night). I'm very proud of my small group of friends, they are all amazing. We're all really responsible... we have boyfriends, fiances, husbands or kids to come home to and want to make sure we increase our odds of making it back to them
:blink: :blink: :blink: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think:

well as hard as that is to believe i will take your word on it.
its not that its hard to believe you never drink and drive its just crazy that all of your friends never have either.
but thats good. im happy to hear there are people like you and your friends out there that think ahead.:thumbsup:


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There's no need to be all surprised that Gimpy has not driven while driving before. I know a lot of us have (me included) which is just from poor decision making. Gimpy goes out of her way to make sure that the people she is with stay safe...that is just from being a responsible adult, nothing more.

I've actually been pulled over 3 seperate times while drinking and driving by police. All 3 times I did not get breathalized and got off scotfree. Yeah on hindsight it is stupid of me and your probably thinking 'didn't the first 2 times jog your memory ?' which is true. Now I do the same thing Gimpy does and make sure there is either a DD or we take a taxi.

When you get behind a wheel after you've been drinking it is extremely wreckless and selfish. Sure if you just killed yourself, or ruined your own life...ok then c'est la ve (hey its population control right ?...and you clear out some of the gene pool), but then you'd not be taking into account the other people's lives you'd be ruining,the firemen who have to clean up the mess you created on the road, or the tax payers who will have to pay for your ass to sit in jail for the rest of your life....know wha' i'm sayin' ?


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so none of your friends have?
If you include my friends into her friends we've got one of them who did at the age of 15 before he even had his permit; he rolled the car, ended up in juvie for a couple months, and couldn't get his license until he was 20--I don't think he does too much drinking and driving these days;)


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:blink: :blink: :blink: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think:

well as hard as that is to believe i will take your word on it.
its not that its hard to believe you never drink and drive its just crazy that all of your friends never have either.
but thats good. im happy to hear there are people like you and your friends out there that think ahead.:thumbsup:
This is a difference in environments and social groups. I thought just like you when I was younger, but it's just because probably most poeple you know get plowed and have driven drunk or ridden with people. That's the way it was for me. I had a skewed perception. In the midwest, they punish you pretty harshly, 6 monthes without a liscense for the first offense and big black mark on record when you go to apply for a job. I've only driven drunk about 5-10 times and I was laways close to the limit, but I've ridden with people who were wasted hundreds of times....DUMB. When they made the laws more strict when I was in college and enforced them hardcore, about 5 of my friends got DUIs and almost all of us stopped driving while drunk. Harsher punishments that are actively enforced will help the problem from my experiences.
Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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This is a difference in environments and social groups.
exactly. i have low(actually a NO) tolerance for certain types of people in my life (lazy, users, pessimistic, liars, people with NO common sense, the inconsiderate) and have found that keeping those kinds of people completely out of your lives, really makes a difference.


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Must I remind you?

What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, she's been told twice....you, my deary, only have one been told once today so don't be talking back!!!!!!!!!!! :rasp:


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Some of the laws do no good no matter how harsh. The hardcore alcoholics out there are proof of that. My ex has had at least three DW's that I know of. Hasn't had a license for some time. But that doesn't stop her from getting in a car and driving. Last I heard she was in jail for just that thing. Jail is the ONLY way to guarantee some of them stay off the road. The third offense for these people should be several years. If not, they're going to kill somebody eventually. We've all heard stories on the news about a drunk driver killing someone and they've had 10 DWI's. There are some that are probably worse. I'm sure my ex will try to make a run for the record.


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For most people the risk of losing their license is enough, and for others, like you said, jail works ;)

Up the penalties!!! :D


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Must I remind you?

What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, she's been told twice....you, my deary, only have one been told once today so don't be talking back!!!!!!!!!!! :rasp:
very nice.


Anabolic Innovations Rep
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Glad to hear your ok Squeaks. best wishes to you and your sister!


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Must I remind you?

What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, she's been told twice....you, my deary, only have one been told once today so don't be talking back!!!!!!!!!!! :rasp:
:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:


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Though she has to wait a few days for the actual results.. kellie is in no danger for a brain or spine injury.. they already knew that but they just had to be sure.

everything is already moving along well. his insurance co. already contacted me and is not even waiting for the full police investigation to do the loss of property thing.. thankfully the car I had was 100% paid off and i will .. it was a 2006 BMW 3 series so it wasn't that big of a loss.. but i am already looking at some other cars.. any suggestions? I would like to keep it in the 30-37 grand range...

apparently this wasn't the first time this guy was involved in a DWI crash.. so I can only wait to see how they are going to handle this.. but.. everything has been taken out of my hands and i don't even think i have to do any sort of court thing.. he apparently gave a statment admitting to everything and wants to know what he can do to make it right...

bla so thats is that. I really want to run, but they told me i shouldn't until i fully know if i am hurt or not. I just feel sore all over.. kellie is black and blue on the side of her face a bit.. and her leg some how.. and my dad said her shoe was stuck inside the car by the dash and the floor.. like pinched.. he wont give me the pics, i was sorta hoping to be able to post them.. but one day...

i will keep you all updated!


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2006 BMW 3 series ...wasn't a big deal? You have to be ****in' kidding me :)


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2006 BMW 3 series ...wasn't a big deal? You have to be ****in' kidding me :)
this place doesn't allow for my sarcasm very well lol.. but.. to me it wasn't that big of a deal.. it was very basic and I got it from a police auction with under 7000 miles...it was a great car.. but.. oh well


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you, your sister and your family are in our prayers! :thumbsup:

Sorry to hear........


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30-37...I'm loving the convertable pontiac G6 but that's a far jump from a m3. What styles of car do you tend to look for?


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i am not really that picky anymore.. i think some american cars are pretty good now.. but i dont want anything too "richy" looking.. but at the same time I don't want a Honda.. ( not bad mouthing honda's just not my type) I want something that is a bit on the female side but thats not known to be a "chick" car like the Audi TT etc.


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Don't do it...get another 3...

Ever since I got mine I've become obsessed...what was the model?


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325i.. they also had the xi at the auction but it was a few hundred out of my range.. but.. i guess it doesn't matter now lol


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get the all wheel drive if it snows near you...thats the only advice i have.

i guess it was luck to find the car, hopefully itll strike twice


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i am at a better point of my life $$ wise.. i think i am not going to buy someone elses car and spring for my own.. i have been saving for a while and now with my fiance its a whole lot easier. I am usually always down in FL but i am up in the north east much of the time as well, so i think all wheel would be best for me. just really need to make sure i do my home work before i go get something.I was very happy with my BMW, the only thing i really didnt' like was it wasn't stick. In the mean time I am going to be driving my vietnam US Army jeep i got for 500 bucks lol.. that has lasted me since i was 16 ..

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