Bodybuilding: How it held me back and is now propelling me forward



New member
I have very few people in my life that I can talk passion with, even fewer I can share my passion for bodybuilding with. I suppose that is why I have chosen to write this. Just to share. After seven or eight years of very consistent training I feel now very differently about bodybuilding than I did in the beginning. It has gone from burning passion with single minded focus to a lifestyle that I now have shifted farther back in priorities, learned to balance or further yet put aside at times, and still achieve great satisfaction from.

The first workout I had I was hooked. Never looked back or questioned whether it was worth pursuing. Just fell in love and charged forward. I was 20 and worked with a few guys who lifted. I bought the bible, "the arnold schwarzenegger bodybuilding encyclopedia". Read it through and through. I was prepping food , having shakes, training oldschool and shooting the **** about it . All we ever talked about. We were meatheads. Previous to that point I had never really felt joy or enthusiasm for anything. Not since a child anyway. I focused on it and put much else to the wayside. It was my identity.

Quite quickly I learned this is one of those things in life, one of those things where the more you put in the more you get out. Little did I know this would prove to be a far further reaching lesson than I knew then. Well i wanted to put in and i did. It started with training consistency. I got gains, they maxed out. Then it was food consistency. I got more gains, they maxed out. Even in the beginning I ate and trained okay, for a beginner, but had to dial in to get better. I was training well and eating well 90% of the time. The other 10% was vice. I slowly whittled away at that but never conquered it. It definitely held me back but despite I still managed a good physique. Thankfully today I feel I can say that vice is no longer an issue.

That brings me to today. My passion for bodybuilding has dwindled in a sense or maybe I am just growing up and putting things in perspective. I still love the lifestyle and live very true to it. i have my meals prepped everyday. I train consistently but balance life and, OMG prioritize other aspects before I prioritize a workout. This isn't to take away from bodybuilding it is more me showing my appreciation for what it taught me. My life wasn't going where I wanted it to. Despite having a great physique. lol. I've taken lessons from bodybuilding and applied them to other aspects of life. I looked at what I was putting in. My finances, my career everything I care to grow or improve are areas of focus. For my own sanity I must still also focus on bodybuilding to a degree. I just must balance how much I'm "putting in". Bodybuilding isn't an exception, being one of those things that the more you put in the more you get out. Everything in life is. And if you don't put in you don't get out.

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