The Dentist



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A man goes to his dentist to have a tooth pulled. He pulls out a freezing needle to give the man a shot.

"No way! No needles! I hate needles," the patient said.

The Dentist starts to hook up the laughing gas and the man objects. "I can't do the gas thing. The thought of having the gas mask on is suffocating me!"

The Dentist then asks the patient if he has any objection to taking a pill.

"No objection," the patient says. "I'm fine with pills."

The Dentist then returns and says, "Here's a Viagra tablet.."

The patient says, "Wow! I didn't know Viagra worked as a pain killer!"

"It doesn't," said the Dentist, "but it will give you something to
hold onto when I pull your tooth.

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