Old pec injury may be causing me back problems


i partially ruptured my right pec in June of 2013. I had 2 MRI's and multiple trips to the ortho and he said that because of wear it tore, about 1/3-1/2 way down on the lateral side I was not a good candidate for surgery. He said that the scar tissue would be stronger than the suture and I would have less problems in the future. There is a noticeable cosmetic difference but it doesn't seem to hinder day-to-day activities or even my weekly basketball games. I've been having some shoulder and rhomboid pains that can be pretty sever though. My back is pretty knotted up especially between my scapula and spin as well as the lateral side of my scapula. I'm going to lay off the power cleans because I'm sure that is one of the things triggering my problem but I also think that my weaker pecs are also hurting me. I can't bench more than 135 now (tore my pec benching 260 and maxed at over 400 years ago). Has anyone else had a similar experience and if so what did you do? I'm going to try to do higher reps with pushups and TRX pushups. I can do flys but I only have access to 10 and 15 lb dumbells.

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