Epi review


New member
Hello guys, first post here.
Bit of history about me. I'm 23 y/o, been training heavy for two years, and this was my first experiment with anabolics. I hover around 200lbs and have reasonably strong lifts. The reason I decided to try this is that I fell off the wagon for a couple of months right after a cut - not a good combo since my strength was already lowered.
My goal was to increase mass and regain my strength, but not gain any more fat since I'd already gained some during my time off. After reading up on a lot of PH/DS epistane seemed to be a sound choice for a first timer.

My cycle was 5 weeks at 20/30/40/40/40
PCT Nolvadex 20/20/10/10 + creatine
Diet was a mild bulk, ~3500kcals a day, not that clean.
Training is 5/3/1, and I increased my volume of backoff sets and assistance work.

Right at the end of the cycle my stats are:
bw from 198lbs to 209lbs
arms +0.65"
chest +1.5"
shoulders +1.5"
hips +1"
quads +0.8"
waist +0.5"

Bench +20lbs for 10 reps
OHP +0lbs (but it was getting stronger mid cycle, a lack of recovery from bench probably caused it to go back again)
Squat +25lbs for 11
Dead +25lbs for 10

So all in all, decent results. I could probably have done almost as well on the strength front without epi considering muscle memory, but the mass/size increase is much better than I could achieve naturally at my bw. I'll report back after PCT to see how those numbers change.

Gains were pretty steady, and became noticeable in the mirror I would say about 3 weeks in, especially with a pump (the pumps were very good for me).

About sides - I didn't take any support supps apart from a lot of fish oil. Didn't get any severe sides, just some occasional lethargy, back pumps about once a week and a bit of libido loss that seemed to taper off after week 4. Bear in mind that I wanted to see exactly how I reacted to this since it was my first.

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