Newbie with Sus250 question?



New member
I am not sure of the proper place to post this so if I am in the wrong I am sorry. I am getting ready to run a Sus 250 cycle and was wondering about PCT for it as I have read mixed reviews.

First about me: I am 5'9 161 @ 13%. I have had a rough go with injuries over the last year and some change so I am trying to get weight put back on. In November on 09 I broke my jaw and was wired shut form Nov-Jan needless to say I dropped weight quickly. I was 139 as of last January('10) when I was unwired. Right off the heels of that (June '10) I had shoulder surgery to repair a 100% tear of my labrum and a 50% tear of my rotor cuff (I pitch in a men’s baseball league so not lifting related.). I got cleared to start supervised lifts in Sept and started working with a strength coach for about 3 months (until dec.) and managed to get back to 161. So in the last year I managed to put on 22 lbs. I have been lifting for about 3 years prior to all these injuries as well as being very active in sports.

My goals: I want to get to 180-185 before I do the warrior dash in May of this year and keep that weight while trying to maintain a 12-15% range in my BMI. I know with weight gain comes some fat as well and I am not worried about that going up as long as I don’t look like stay puff.

My Cycle: 10 weeks of Sus 250 shooting .67 cc EOD which will give me a little over 500 mg a week and allow both the short and long term esters to work. Week 12 I will start a PCT with Nolva at 40 mg/day for 4 weeks then taper weeks 15-17 to 15 mg/day.

Does this sound like proper PCT for the Sus250?

Any ideas? I am trying to do a cycle that is not going to be too hard on the ligaments in my shoulder and was told Sus would work.

I am taking multi vitamins daily as well as liquid chondroitin MSM Glucosamine for my joints.

Thanks in Advanced

A new Dumb Guy
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