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New member
I am doing a 4 week cycle of:
4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-dien-3-17b-diol "prosteroid of turinabol"

[3,2]pyrazole-5alpha-etioallacholane-17beta-tetrahydropyranol "de-alkylated derivative of stanozol".

The cycle I am using looks something like this:
Week 1: 50mg [3,2]pyrazole-5alpha-etioallacholane-17beta-tetrahydropyranol x 2 a day
25 mg 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-dien-3-17b-diol x 2 a day
150mg milk thistle extract

Week 2: 50mg [3,2]pyrazole-5alpha-etioallacholane-17beta-tetrahydropyranol x 3 a day
4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-dien-3-17b-diol x 2 a day
150mg milk thistle extract

Week 3 & 4 are same as week 2.

Post cycle of Tamoxifen at 40 mg a day for 2 weeks and then 20 mg a day for 3 weeks. 1000mg saw palmetto,sytrinol150mg"cholestrol control" and the 150mg milk thistle extract for 4 weeks.
Any suggestions?
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