Mid cycle pickle...need advice


New member
Here's the situation: I'm active duty mitary and living over seas. I'm about 12 days into a 4 week dmz/ligandrol cycle. I was just sent home(back to the states) on emergency leave from the loss of a family member. There's only one thing I put above my gains, and that's family....but I'm not sure what to do with the rest of the cycle. After the services im gonna be spending time with my pops and brother out at our lake house...zero possibility of a gym for probly 10 days. Should I say **** it and pct? Or keep going and trx and cardio lol? The gains have been good so far, but I've never ran into this problem. Thanks Im advance!


Active member
Here's the situation: I'm active duty mitary and living over seas. I'm about 12 days into a 4 week dmz/ligandrol cycle. I was just sent home(back to the states) on emergency leave from the loss of a family member. There's only one thing I put above my gains, and that's family....but I'm not sure what to do with the rest of the cycle. After the services im gonna be spending time with my pops and brother out at our lake house...zero possibility of a gym for probly 10 days. Should I say **** it and pct? Or keep going and trx and cardio lol? The gains have been good so far, but I've never ran into this problem. Thanks Im advance!
The way I look at it, if you say **** it and quit, you just waste half a cycle. Me personally, I would continue, and do list of at home workouts and cardio.

Losing 10 days sucks, but... It's for a good cause.

My condolences to your family, and you good sir.
Thanks for your service

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