Simple question regarding next cycle


New member
Stats just so you know

age 23
weight 205
bf ~11%

main lifts -- 425/325/455

cycle history -- 10 weeks Test E 250mg E3D // Adex .125mg EOD
used nolva in pct 40/20/20/20

Lost absolutely 0 strength thus far, and actually got stronger in bench/military.

I got some moderate acne in my second week of PCT and had to get medication from doc (Clindamycin/benzoyl peroxide & adapalene), which helped tone it down and now my skin is back to normal, however this lasted about 4-5 weeks... Had no other issues, testes are fine, no depression...

I'm now 14 weeks post PCT and prepping for my second cycle, which I planned to start in august. I'm aware that the time until the next cycle should be cycle+PCT, so that would put me at 3 weeks until I could cycle again...

**QUESTION** -- Due to the fact that I had acne (obviously caused by the hormonal imbalance) should I tack on more time until the next cycle? Obviously the safe answer is yes, and why not just wait anyway, but I'm simply curious for future reference.

Thank you kindly. I apologize if this is stupid.

And if you're curious for my second cycle I was planning on doing test e again but for 14 weeks (debating), and debating adding in equipoise.

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