Need Advice (test/sus/eq)


New member
My metabolism is through the roof. My friend has takin 2 12 week cycles of test/sust/eq is pushin 200, up from about 170. Also he is 6'1''. He recommended the same stuff to me but my current stats are 5'9'' 155 lbs. and I'm 21. I know I'm going to get the "get more, lift harder, etc." but I was at 160, ate till I felt like I was going to explode.

Stopped lifting because it seemed like my body just sort of stopped gaining + hurt wrist maxing 200. After 6months I dropped 20lbs. it has takin about 3 months to get back to where I'm at and the gains are slowing again. The reason I came here to ask for advice is because I feel like what he is recommending for me will be too much, but at the same time I feel like I need something extra to help.

Would a better combo or just one or two of those be a better bet for me? If any other info is needed to help with advice then just ask. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.


New member
Bump.. and I'm talking about Sustanon and Equipoise. >.<

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